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5 Tips for starting a podcast


Want to get into audio marketing by creating a podcast? A wise idea when we know that a million podcasts are listed to every day in France.


However, embarking on such an adventure requires preparation. Achieving such a format is much less easy than you might think!


1) Choose your subject

What will get people to download and listen to your podcast? Its title… and therefore its subject! You need to find a "pain point" in your prospects and exploit it to make them want to listen to you and get to know you.

Ask yourself the following questions:

What are the goals of my prospects?
What are the problems they want to solve?
What are their obstacles and their motivations for subscribing to my services?
What can I bring them?
Thanks to the answers, you will obtain many themes to attract qualified Internet users. Take good care of the title, being captivating and clear at the same time.

Consider using interrogative forms "how to do ...?" "," What is the best way to ...? "," Why use ...? ", Etc. You can also use a list of tips, tricks, or "pro secrets".

These two types of turns always work very well.


2) Define the format

Podcasts can have two formats: audio only or with video. In this second case, it is not a question of filming yourself, but of showing useful documents or concrete examples to support your words.

This format is more and more common and can help you explain complex topics.


3) Write a plan

Before recording your podcast, write a script. Without necessarily writing your speech sentence by sentence, take care to make a detailed plan of the points to be addressed.

On the one hand, this plan allows you to deliver a program that is consistent, understandable and without forgetting. On the other hand, it serves as a guide during recording, so you don't have to start over again (and waste time).


4) Equip yourself

Recording a podcast from the microphone of your smartphone is not a good idea. Granted, it's free, but your image may suffer. You can buy a good quality headset for around a hundred euros.

This investment is important so that you are taken seriously. Also, if the sound is bad, your first listeners will not listen to your other podcasts.


5) Promote your podcast

To make your podcast successful, promote it as much as possible. Post it on your social networks, write a blog article to present it, insert it into your other content on a common theme ...

Also consider promoting it through Social Media Ads and, why not, with a Google Adwords campaign.

If possible, also add it on platforms where podcasts are regularly downloaded: iTunes, SoundCloud, Google Play Music, Spotify or Deezer.

The more listeners you attract, the greater your chances of success.


Available at any time, on all devices, the podcast is developing more and more. You surely have things to say to create your own show! Try the experiment to diversify your means of communication and broaden your target audience.

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